The Executive Committee has gotten its heads together and come up with an exciting array of Unit activities for 2012. All the Rallies are listed in both the “rally page” on the menu or via the Calendar link. The Calendar link will allow you to find out more details on arrangements if you click on the activity listed in the calendar.
The details for the first rally — The Spring Shakedown — reveals a new kind of low key, low planning format for some of our outings. Rather than push for commitment to a set number of overnights with a specific rally charge to pay for some shared meals or activities, the “Rest and Relaxation” format allows you to show up when you can and to pool food resources for breakfasts and dinners e.g., a pot luck arrangement. Also, there will be no schedule of daily activities but, rather, options for daily visits or activities as folks decide “in the moment”. We hope this format will encourage involvement and participation. It also reduces the work to be done by a sponsoring couple.
Get you personal calendars out and book some fun times with fellow Airstreamers!