Caravan Courtesies
- Show courtesy and consideration to all with whom you come in contact so that the goodwill of the WBCCI is enhanced.
- Dispose of all rubbish by the means provided.
- Collect gray-water in the proper receptacle on rally grounds. Dispose of it in the proper manner
- Be courteous and considerate toward committee workers for they are volunteers.
- Keep pets under control at all times. Clean up after them. Pets should not be in hospitality area.
- When running generators, confine their use to appropriate places and times.
- Wear WBCCI name badges at all times when at WBCCI activities or on caravans.
- Let the officers and committee have the benefit of your ideas for the general improvement of the club.
- Keeps the area around trailer/motorhome clean at all times.
- Keep all clothing and laundry hung inside trailer/motorhome, NEVER outside on ropes or wires.
- Advise neighboring trailers/motorhome of intent to disconnect water or power.
- Protect others’ water supply and keeps hoses out of the dirt.
- Bring a fair share to the potlucks. Bring generous portions for the dinners, for we are one big family.
- Makes a point of getting acquainted with new members and make them welcome.
- Be considerate by not smoking at meetings or meals, etc.